Mallika Naree has completed disch on 01.02.2022 1700lt and sailed 1940lt on same day.
Mallika Naree has completed disch on 01.02.2022 1700lt and sailed 1940lt on same day.
Please be informed that subject vessel’s ETB 29th pm and ETD: AM/31st
NOR tendered at 1400hrs LT on 27th Jan 2022 (at 0600hrs UTC).
Please be informed that Mallika Naree ETA Jinzhou 27/01/2022 agw wp uce. Her ETB 28/01/22 and ETD 30/01/22.
Please be informed that Mallika Naree ETA Jinzhou 27/01/2022 agw wp uce. Her ETB 28/01/22 and ETD 30/01/22.
Subject vessel`s Jinzhou /ETA 27-Jan-2022/1300Lt (0500UTC) if agw wp.
20/01 00.18 – NOR tendered / Start drift outside port limits according to VTC order 15.12 – Drop anchor at Nakhodka 15.30 – 17.30 – Clearance in by immigration 17.30 – […]